Preparing For Your Backyard Shed or Structure
Site Prep and Permitting for Sheds & Outdoor Structures
Preparing your backyard for your shed or outdoor structure can be easy!
A few small steps of preparation go a long way.
To ensure your backyard building is ready to endure, follow River View's Shed-Ready Checklist.
Pick a Size and Location
Select the location where you would like your shed or backyard structure, and choose a suitable size. If you’re wondering what size to select, we’re happy to help. Give us a call, or send us a message.
Our free Shed Size Guide offers insights and considerations that could make or break the success of your shed’s installation.
Download your copy here.
Obtain any Necessary Permits
Many townships, boroughs, cities, and HOAs require permits for sheds and outdoor structures of a certain size. Be sure to check with your local zoning and/or permits department to obtain any necessary permits.
Check for Delivery Access
Be sure to check whether you have access from your street or driveway to the site location for your shed’s transportation. If the dimensions won’t fit, let River View know and we can plan to build on-site.
Prepare Your Building Site
The foundation that you place your shed or building on can greatly determine its functionality and lifetime. We recommend using a stone foundation with a border around it or a poured concrete slab.
Need a foundation for your shed? Work with one of our trusted partners below!
You’re Ready for Your New Shed!
Having completed the 4 simple steps, you’re all set to schedule the delivery of your new shed or backyard building. We’ll take it from here!
The right foundation makes all the difference.

Recommended Foundations: Stone with Border or Concrete Slab

Not Recommended: Cinder blocks or direct placement on the ground
For a Quality Shed Foundation, We Recommend
Pine Landscaping, Inc
Trusted & Local. Providing quality stone foundations, concrete slabs, retaining walls, patios, walkways, and more.
Phone: 215-888-3643Email: [email protected]
Visit them online at
BedRock Siteworks LLC
Provides quality stone foundations, concrete slabs, retaining walls, patios, walkways, and more in Southeast PA, NJ, and MD.
Phone: 215-839-3904Visit them online at
Both of our trusted Site Prep partners provide free consultations and/or site checks at your location to ensure you get the right foundation for your needs.
Looking For Your Perfect Shed?
River View offers a variety of in-stock and custom sheds. Find the right shed for your backyard today.
Permitting for Your Backyard Shed
It’s up to you as the homeowner to obtain the correct permits for your new shed. The sooner you’re able to speak with your local zoning board, the easier the process will be, as it can influence the location, size, and style of the shed you choose.
While the process varies based on your location, the permitting process typically looks like this:
Contact Your Local Zoning Board
This may be at the town/city or county level. If you live in an HOA, you'll need to contact the association as well.
Ask about any restrictions, guidelines, and permit requirements.
Submit Your Permit Application
If your local laws require a permit, submit the application before shed delivery. Often, there is a nominal fee involved as well.
Approval & Delivery
Once your local zoning office approves your permit, you're good to go.
You'll be free to rest easy, knowing that your shed is properly permitted.
Find The Perfect Shed For Your Backyard
Shop River View's wide selection of in-stock and custom sheds today.
Contact River View
We want to help you make your outdoor living spaces even better!
Whether you’re looking for a tool shed or workshop, or a playhouse for your family, we’re here to help every step of the way. Send us a message (or give us a call), and we’ll do all we can to make your dream a reality!